KIFA Katori International Friendship Association
江戸時代にタイムスリップ! Are you interested in experiencing the little edo?
<Japanese> <English>  SAWARA Guide Map/IROHA KARUTA Map/SUIGO SAWARA AYAME PARK (Botanical Garden) Guide/Japanese Classes for foreigners/Tour guide application

The Sawara IROHA KARUTA ”いろはかるたマップ” Map

If you want to see Edo, come to Sawara's Central Town and you will find yourself standing in streets busier than the real Edo.


PDF03(shops)にほんごJapanese "いろはかるた"
PDF04(map) にほんごJapanese "いろはかるた"

Produced by katori City and Tokyo Joho University
Translated by KIFA
